Video Games

WELCOME!! I love video games. Some beleive that it has a negative effect on kids but I am totally against this statement. Most games build many cognitive skills which are essential for a childs development a good example of this is a game called Minecraft. You are tasked with earning rare items and building homes which nurtutres kids creative side. One of my personal favorites is Fortnite it has lots of game modes and makes players think about what they need and how it will cater to their playing style.

Jarvis ninja

These are some famous streamers who cater to the younger community, and inspire them to follow their dreams, just like they did. They show there come up, they show the raw behind the scenes footage in their day to day life. They do this because as streaming because a larger buiness almost doubling from last year many kids are geared towards trying it out. Most think it is an ideal job because all you do is game, but in reality you are strapped to a desk for long amoutn of hours. But this does not make it all bad with enough acitivity throughout the week these stremers so pretty healthy. Video games are sometimes a way out of bad situations people are in, it is their outlet and people have to respect that.

The industry is growing exponetially and programs for gamers are becoming availiable in schools because they know the kids passion for this. Games are also a way to interat and socialize with friends. You can talk over different subject in our life and studies show that they relieve stress. You can connect with family in other places around the world. You can also play with them and make buetiful memories, I am one of these people, I play every friday night with my cousins in Canada and Chicago. This way we can talk about our week and play games.

Another great things about gaming is that there are so many different types. Some are about fighting, some are about strategy, and some just for articheting things. Another thing is that people can make many new friends online and stay connected. These 2 streamers stream constatly with other memebers of their gaming group they upload lots of funny and enjoyable content.

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